Contemporary Aluminium Windows

With their eternal good looks and low maintenance Contemporary Aluminium Windows are really coming to the forefront of design. Bridging the gap between traditional and contemporary, these beautiful frames sit easily in any style of property, letting in more light and making the most of the view.

Reynaers SL38 Slimline Aluminium Windows

Reynaers SL38 Slimline Aluminium Windows are made from high-quality aluminum, known for its durability and lightweight properties. The SL38 system by Reynaers is designed with slim profiles to create a sleek and modern aesthetic, allowing for larger glass panels that maximise natural light and provide unobstructed views. The aluminum frames are engineered to be strong, weather-resistant, and low-maintenance, making them suitable for various architectural styles and climates.

Designed to meet and to exceed current building regulations the slimline SL38 offers 3 different face designs. Flat, Square and Bevelled offering the best possible match to the design in your imagination. With U Values as low as 1.4/m2k you’ll be toasty warm and still look super sleek.

Reynaers SL38 Slimline Aluminium Windows offer a sleek and minimalistic design, combining durable aluminum with slim profiles for a contemporary look that maximises natural light and views.

Reynaers SL68 Slimline Aluminium Windows

Reynaers SL68 Slimline Aluminium Windows are constructed primarily from high-quality aluminum, a durable and lightweight material known for its strength and corrosion resistance.

Offering a Window Energy Rating of A++ and designed to let in lots of natural sunlight the SL68 range of aluminium Windows retain very slim profiles to maximise the glass area. Its slender frame depth makes it perfect as a replacement window as it generally fits within the existing plaster line.

Additionally, they often come with various finishes and colours options to suit architectural preferences. With all windows made to measure, you can make your windows and doors truly individual – a design statement to be proud of. Elevate your space with Reynaers SL68 Slimline Aluminium Windows, seamlessly blending modern design, durability, and energy efficiency.


0114 399 9825

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Timber Windows of Sheffield
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942 Ecclesall Road
Banner Cross
S11 8TR

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